The Sailing Irish Ring is a bold large oval shaped sterling silver signet with an image of a ships sail which has the clover and the Irish harp on it. On one side of the ring is cardinal points to help with the navigation and on the other is a quote. The sail is surrounded by two interlocking ropes that run parallel on the top and sides of the rings. These ropes symbolise the concurrent lives of the Irish family that live in different countries and may never again join together but are yet always connected.
The ring is on sale for the month of March to celebrate St Patrick's Day.
The ring comes in a sustainably sourced wooden box as well as the Serpent Cove treasure chest with all its Cove trinkets. Standard postage within Australia included, express and international postage available at an additional cost. Rings are made to order and will be posted within ten business days of order being placed.
They say that one in ten Australians can trace their ancestry to Ireland. I personally was amazed at how at home I felt on my first trip to Ireland as my Irish roots are a few generations back. I come from a family of Irish Farmers that we can trace back all the way to Limerick.
This is not exclusive to Australia, throughout modern history Irish people have traveled all over the world for work and a better life. I knew this but didn’t realise the gravity until I took a trip to Ireland and got a feel of the land and a taste of the beer of the people which I originated from. It was also a trip to the Emigration Museum in Dublin that really made it sink in. Hearing stories of people leaving for better lives all over the globe only to never see or hear from their family or friends again. This was often as the port they said they would settle in had no work, so they moved on with very little way of communicating back to their loved ones back home. It made me realise this missing link and the clash of your country of ancestry and your country of birth.
I feel like the call of Ireland is so strong, so even though I am Australian I have always felt Irish and there are so many people around the world who share those Irish roots and ancestry. This is what birthed the design of this ring. An image of emigrating to another world, a ring of that voyage that my people have made so many times to find a better life, but Ireland will always be home...